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Writer's pictureDee Dickens

Tonight - part one

Today we have a brand new contributor! Ed Hernandez is retired from a career on the the professional golf circuit and now breeds crime fighting chihuahuas. Our writer today lists DH Lawrence, Virginia Woolf and Baby Metal as his main influences. Enjoy!

Tonight, was my mum's third Halloween party since she divorced my dad. It was going to be a wild and loud night, full of music and drunken people. But all that I kept thinking about was Kate, and if she was going show up like she had done on previous years.

God I really hope she did turn up.

8pm came and the guests started to arrive, all dressed up in their Halloween costumes, I greeted each one, laughing and swapping pleasantries as I took them downstairs to the games room, were mum held all her parties.

But still no sign of her.

It was just after 9pm now and I had drunk several shots of Aftershock, I could feel I had a nice head buzz as I mingled with the partygoers, belting out the chorus of I’m Sorry Ms Jackson as it blared through the loudspeakers.

Someone asked me for a game of pool, I couldn’t remember their name, was it Nick, Steven, Paul, who knows I happily accepted anyway. The game didn’t last long though, to my disappointment, Nick, Steven or Paul was pretty cack handed and I easily came out the winner.

I checked my watch, and it was now 10:10pm, it didn’t look like Kate was going to show up this year. A little bit of me felt crushed by this, fuck, I really wanted to see her tonight.

I had a few more shots, this time of tequila, if I was going to be downhearted because Kate had not turned up, I’d better make the most of it and get absolutely wrecked. So, I played a couple more rounds of pool, bopping along to Pump up The Jam as I played.

I must have been on my third game, I was making a difficult shot as I had to lean over the pool table to get a good line up, when I felt a hand firmly squeeze my arse. I jolted and missed the shot, shite, I quickly turned around and there in front of me was a Mummy.

"Hey Eddie, long time no see."

It took me several seconds to recognise the voice, it was Kate. Yes.

"Oh my God, Kate, so good to see you, your costume is great", it really was, she was covered from head to toe in bandages and I gave her a big hug.

"Sorry I’m late",she had to shout as the music was really loud now, "got caught up doing some paperwork for school that needed to be done asap". She broke up from our hug and offered me a bottle, which I took.

"Ah don’t worry, knew you’d make it." I lied. "Let me take you to mum, she’ll be happy to see you."

"That’ll be great, would love that."

I took Kate to see my mum, who was at the far end of the room at the bar dishing out drinks to those who were gathered round.

"Hey mum," I shouted, look who’s showed up!

She squinted at us, her slightly confused face mostly lit in shadow.

"It’s Kate."

"Oh goodness me Kate, didn’t recognise you there, so glad you were able to come tonight." and she came away from the bar and gave her a long hug. "Looking good Chica" and air kissed her on both cheeks.

"Thanks Vikki, sorry I’m late. You know how work is."

"No need to be sorry, just happy to see you here."

"Good turn out tonight Vikki."

"Yeah Kate, not bad, you ready for some party game in ten minutes?"

"Oh God, really?"

That was my cue to go upstairs, the party games were too much for me and most definitely for the adults. Well, I’m going to go to head up, maybe catch something to eat in the kitchen.

I handed mum the bottle of booze that Kate had given me, and she quickly added it to the glass counter that was lined up with the various bottles of alcohol already there.

"I’ll let you two have a catch up, see you laters."

Kate gave me a thumbs up.

"I’ll come and drop on by later, ok?"

"That’ll be really good."

"Now don’t you be getting any ideas," my mum laughed. "I know what you’re like Kate, he’s only 18!"


"Don’t worry Vikki, he’s just a little on the young side for me!"

"God!" And with that I quickly made my way out of the games room and headed upstairs.

The hours passed and the music continued to thump down below and still no knock on my bedroom door, no sign of Kate wanting to see me. I was being stupid, like why would a grown woman want to fool around with me. Just because she kissed me last year, it probably meant nothing to her, I was just making crazy assumptions that she liked me.

I had to get up, no way I could sleep with all the racket going on downstairs, plus I was bursting for a piss. I slipped on a pair of shorts and shirt and stepped out of my bedroom, switching on the corridor light as I went to the bathroom.

After I finished, I washed my hands and I quickly looked around the upstairs part of the house, hoping to catch Kate either in the kitchen or the living room, but she was not about. I let out a long sigh and I trudged back to my bedroom in a sulk.

"Eddie!" I heard behind me.

I turned around and there was Kate.

"Oh hey."

Kate came over to me. She had removed her Mummy mask and I could clearly see her face now, her curly brown hair loose around her shoulders, an impish smile on her face.

"Finally, I was able to escape, hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long?"

I let out a nervous laugh. "Nah, not at all"

"Why so glum then, thinking I wasn’t going to come?"


"Well here I am."

And that is where we are going to leave you until next time. What will happen with Kate and Eddie? I promise you this, it will be hot as fuck.

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